Below you will find details about each delivery method. See how long it takes to receive the products, what the delivery fees are, and how they apply.
Track Your Order
After placing your order, you can track its status from your customer account, in the "My Orders" section.
Modify or Cancel Your Order
The option to cancel an order or delivery is available in your customer account for the first 30 minutes, in the "My Orders" section.
If you change your mind after the products have already been shipped, you can fill out the return form once it reaches you.
Business days are counted after the shipment is collected by the courier.
Delivery Method | Delivery Time | Marking |
Standard Shipping | Maximum 10 - 15 business days | No Marking |
Standard Shipping | Maximum 10 business days | Fast Delivery |
Standard Shipping | Maximum 5 business days | 5-Day Delivery |
The delivery fee is calculated based on the country and location and is automatically calculated at checkout.
Note: We are not responsible for import taxes or VAT separate from our store.